It started with an idea
An idea that we want to grow our own food;
An idea that that we can share our knowledge and love for food with others;
An idea that we can invite people to the land to stay, relax, and learn;
An idea that we can in fact change the way our community interacts with the food they eat and the farmer who grows or raises it; and,
An idea that we can make a positive impact on humans and this planet by committing to organic, biological, and regenerative farming practices.
These ideas led us on a long journey to buying a farm. One that was exciting, frustrating at times, but has been extremely rewarding.
We landed in Nottoway County, Virginia on a property that had been with the same family since about the 1970’s. Since moving to the property we’ve learned that over the years the land has been farmed for tobacco, potatoes and other vegetables, used to breed rabbits, and most recently conventionally farmed for corn, soy, and small grains. Much of the land was harvested for timber at various times over the last 30 years and thus is in various stages of growth.
Our farm is a total of 265 acres and includes:
50 acres of open pasture;
200 acres in various stages of forest growth;
3 ponds comprising 11 acres;
at least two springs; and,
a large creek.
In 2024, we are starting our fruit, vegetable, and broiler chicken operation. We will be converting our fields into pasture with a heavy focus on soil restoration and begin planning the agritourism aspect of our farm. We want to learn the land, the natural patterns of wildlife, and create a plan that is beneficial to the soil, our wildlife friends, and our ability to feed our community.